
Save Lives
We Serve Those Who Serve
Active911 helps heroes save lives by providing the tools emergency personnel need to respond faster. Our products help all first responders excel.
Coordination of special units and officers can be fast and simple with the right tools.

Fast and reliable emergency response coordination through an easy-to-use mobile app keeps your personnel informed and accountable.

Respond Faster
Alerts from dispatch
directly to your device.
Stay Informed
Know who is responding
and from where.
Be Prepared
Keep track of data like
hydrants or pre-plans.
Make a Plan
Powerful analytics help
plan for the future.

Comprehensive scheduling tool with simple to use interface for all personnel means your department’s shifts get covered, faster.

Schedule Faster
Build a calendar that
matches your shifts.
Get Full Coverage
Send coverage requests
with one click.
Know Your Shift
The app keeps all
personnel informed.
Manage Anywhere
Online software and mobile
apps mean easy access.

ActiveComms let you listen and respond to radio chatter wherever you have cellular service.

No More Bulky Radio
Easily switch between channels in an emergency.
Increased Range
Your cell phone gives you almost unlimited range.
Low Latency
Listen in on radio chatter from anywhere at anytime.
Fair & Straightforward Pricing
Whether you need to schedule your team’s shifts or one off events, page members during an incident, or allow responding units to listen to radio chatter while en route, Active911 offers products to help you save lives.
Alerts from Dispatch
Response Buttons
Mapping, Routing & Directions
Map Markers for Hydrants, Pre-plans & More
Local, Human Support
And More!
No More Bulky Radio
Increased Range
Low Latency
Discrete & Customizeable
Includes Tone Detection
Listen to up to 2 Channels
Build Custom Calendars
Create Open and Locked Positions
See Personnel's Availability
Send Coverage Requests
Local, Human Support
And More!

Personnel Served
Alerts sent yearly
Agencies subscribed
Meet Our Customers

Get Started
Take Action today, start your free trial.
Want to see if Active911’s products are right for your agency or department? Our free trials give you access to all features with zero obligation.